Bioorganic Chemistry - the crossroad of biology and synthesis
In addition to basic research for the development of new methods and strategies of synthesis, the focus of the Institute is on practice-oriented synthetic chemistry. The cornerstones of our activities are the synthesis and characterisation of products that are industrially and technologically exploitable and marketable as well as the development of technical manufacturing processes.
With its extensive synthesis know-how in inorganic, organic and macromolecular chemistry, the Institute is an ideal platform for cooperation partners, thus fulfilling the demands of an University of Technology with a strong application and practice-orientation.
Group Leader: Associate Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Florian Rudroff
Recent News and Updates
Chemo-Enzymatic Cascade for the Generation of Fragrance Aldehydes
Publication Title: Chemo-Enzymatic Cascade for the Generation of Fragrance Aldehydes by Daniel Schwendenwein, Anna K. Ressmann, Marcello Entner, Viktor Savic, Margit Winkler,* and Florian Rudroff* Catalysts 2021, 11(8), 932; Abstract In this
Enzyme Cascade Design and Modelling
In our book “Enzyme Cascade Design and Modelling” we have joined our forces and brought a team of experts in multi-enzymatic and chemo-enzymatic cascades! Editors: Kara, Selin, Rudroff, Florian (Eds.) Book Highlights
Cell‐free in vitro reduction of carboxylates to aldehydes: With crude enzyme preparations to a key pharmaceutical building block
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Biocatalysis in Green and Blue: Cyanobacteria
Recently, several studies have proven the potential of cyanobacteria as whole-cell biocatalysts for biotransformation. Compared to heterotrophic hosts, cyanobacteria show unique advantages thanks to their photoautotrophic metabolism. Their ability to
Intercepted dehomologation of aldoses by N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis – a novel transformation in carbohydrate chemistry
The development of an N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) catalysed intercepted dehomologation of aldoses is reported. The unique selectivity of NHCs for aldehydes is exploited in the complex context of reducing sugars.
Pyrazines: Synthesis and Industrial Application of these Valuable Flavor and Fragrance Compounds
Alkyl pyrazines—other than being extracted from various natural sources such as coffee beans, cocoa beans, and vegetables—can be synthesized by chemical methods or by certain microorganisms. The importance of pyrazines