Publication Title: Chemo-Enzymatic Cascade for the Generation of Fragrance Aldehydes
by Daniel Schwendenwein, Anna K. Ressmann, Marcello Entner, Viktor Savic, Margit Winkler,* and Florian Rudroff*
Catalysts 2021, 11(8), 932;
In this study, we present the synthesis of chiral fragrance aldehydes, which was tackled by a combination of chemo-catalysis and a multi-enzymatic in vivo cascade reaction and the development of a highly versatile high-throughput assay for the enzymatic reduction of carboxylic acids. We investigated a biocompatible metal-catalyzed synthesis for the preparation of α or β substituted cinnamic acid derivatives which were fed directly into the biocatalytic system. Subsequently, the target molecules were synthesized by an enzymatic cascade consisting of a carboxylate reduction, followed by the selective C-C double bond reduction catalyzed by appropriate enoate reductases. We investigated a biocompatible oxidative Heck protocol and combined it with cells expressing a carboxylic acid reductase from Neurospora crassa (NcCAR) and an ene reductase from Saccharomyces pastorianus for the production fragrance aldehydes.